
Utilize wind energy to power your future. Our expertise extends to managing production and investment tax credits for small wind energy projects featuring essential components like windmills and generators. These credits significantly reduce costs and are transferable, maximizing your project's financial benefits.

Wind energy properties, comprising windmills, wind-driven generators, storage devices, and related equipment, are prime candidates for substantial financial incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act. At Mickelson & Company, we specialize in navigating the complexities of these incentives, including production tax credits (PTC) and investment tax credits (ITC) for small wind projects.

Newly developed projects are eligible for up to 2.6 cents per kilowatt-hour for the first ten years of electricity production as a PTC or 30% of the eligible project costs as an ITC, with additional bonus credits enhancing the value. Importantly, these credits are transferable to unrelated taxpayers, providing flexibility and improving the value of your investment in renewable energy.

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Explore Our Other Renewable Tax Credit Solutions

Clean Fuel

Produce clean fuels like ethanol and renewable natural gas. Benefit from substantial tax credits to boost profitability and sustainability.


Turn biomass into biogas with over 52% methane for productive use. Explore tax credit management for enhanced economic returns.

Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Secure transferable tax credits for efficient CHP systems. Our team ensures you maximize the financial benefits of your energy investments.


Boost your solar projects with expert-managed production tax credit and investment tax credit. Ensure your investment in photovoltaic and thermal systems is financially optimized.